Recollections, Reflections, Re-emphasis

i have long been wanting to share my thoughts and also to blog about our RGS soap making workshop and our fundraising event, but i hardly find the time to do so (which is why our blog master, Yong Hui, is such an important asset to our team!) Come and think of it, YH wasn’t even in our list of 19 who made it for the interview and he only got through when we had someone else who withdrawn from the trip. I never regretted my choice of “promoting” him from the reserve list. So if you happen to see the connection here, you might agree with me that people who are often given a second chance will most likely perform better than the others. How true is it going to be? I guess YH wil prove us that. [HAHA.. the indirect pressure to commit from me =)] But seriously, we really have to learn something from him, which i think i have not spoken to the team due to the (forever) shortage of time during our meetings! Just to pin-point some good points about him.

1) He may appear cold (haha..! :p), BUT he rarely rejects you when you ask him for help. (look at our blog, who blog the most and our facebook)

2) Somehow, he is always the first to reply my SMS, albeit beaten by Shi Da today regarding the malaria pills. Efficient right?

3) Initiative! always taking photos though not many! haha.. and TERENCE is supposed to be our photographer! tsk tsk..

I wish i can have 17 YHs.. but we all know it’s impossible. Besides, why would i want so many YHs? Then where is the fun, the uniqueness and team dynamics? The reason why YEP is a fun trip and not some physically workout in an overseas country is the PEOPLE! We are all from different faculties, majors, age, year of study, background etc. The most heartening thing (not just from a leader’s view) is to see all the different people, coming together and bond, set for a common goal and explore ourselves deeper, not forgetting others in the team too! It’s all about knowing one another, making friends and strengthening ties!

We (KB and me) believe we didn’t choose the wrong team, as reinforced by the other OCIP team leader, Yin Tat. He too commented that we are a great team with GREAT funky and enthusiastic people! In fact, I was already convinced in the 2nd meeting we had some time back in Sept. But what discouraged me was the fundraising manpower as pointed out by SQ and Terence, perhaps even more if any. However, what SQ said in the earlier post was entirely true as well. We all have different commitments and priority and since we are still in the school curriculum, I should have expected such turnout rate. But as human beings, we already have a mindset of an ideal person. i.e., we already have a perfect image painted for each and everyone in the team, and expected others to behave to our idealistic image or simply in the fundraising context, just as enthusiastic as us. Alas! This is so often not true! I am guilty of that too and many times, i have expected a full attendance for our meetings and gatherings. You might have sensed that disappointment in me, but this is something we all have to cope with. Even for your own good friends’ gathering, you will see some people not turning up here and there. It’s part and parcel of life and is never perfect.

Fast forward to last saturday meeting when i said about the full attendance for our pre-trip preparations after the exams, i am not retracting what i said. I have always emphasised full attendance and punctuality not because i am very demanding (which I don’t think so anyway) but because such minor things will affect (1) the team spirit (2) the situation in Cambodia to name a few. How nice do you think you are if you make your friends wait for 20 minutes before we can finally start the meeting or set off to another place in Cambodia? Is this fair to those who turn up early and on time? What if this is in Cambodia and you are late to regroup? Think of my feelings as a leader and also your friends. How are we going to find you? Should we wait for you or go and find you? What if the person who went to find you got lost himself/herself? Can you see the picture? MANY complications. And do you think such things will affect team spirits? Yes.. such things will probably lead to cancellation of the next exciting program. SO what now? Are we going to hate one another or just me cause i have decided to cancel the program? Not healthy right?

I might have sounded a bit forceful on sat; upset here if u think, but ultimately, it’s all for a good cause. I am just hoping for a safe, successful, happy and enticing trip in Cambodia. It’s never easy to lead a team of 17 adults with all different mindsets and opinions, but it is a challenge i have decided to take since long ago. and there are reasons why and how this team is selected.

I appreciate all your help and presence all this while and right now,  I want and only want to have a team bonded together, 19 of us, no less and accept one another’s differences. May we work towards a common goal, to share the same vision of helping Cambodia and let this be our strength in forging us even closer together as ONE. Lets enjoy ourselves in Cambodia!

With that I leave you with..

ALL the best for your exams and we will see one another soon.. very soon! =)


4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    yonghui said,

    i very cold meh?

  2. 2

    Vincent said,

    haha.. a bit leh.. u looked fierce and intimidating during the interview too! haha.. :p

  3. 3

    projectbaray08 said,

    like that i must bring along my hello kitty mask to cambodia…

  4. 4

    Vincent said,

    hahaha..! no la.. just smile more will do 🙂 🙂 🙂
    or… u can be our santa claus during Christmas! so will bring out your warm side! hehs..

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